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The cost of college has increased exponentially over the last few decades. Our kids shouldn’t have to sign on for a lifetime of debt just to get a good education. That’s why Michael has been a champion for making college more affordable for all our students.


Michael supports:


  • Increasing funding for Pell Grants

  • Income-based student loan repayment

  • Increasing funding for the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which helps students pay for tuition, books and supplies.

  • Refinancing student loans — the same way people are allowed to refinance a home mortgage or car loan.




Michael knows our immigration system is broken, and he’s long been a champion of comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship.

Michael was part of the “Gang of Eight,” a group of bipartisan senators who worked together to write a sweeping bill to fix our broken immigration system.


Michael supports:


  • Securing our borders

  • Reforming an outdated visa system

  • Guaranteeing important worker protections

  • Creating a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants.

  • The DREAM Act

  • Michael has called for the administration to end the practice of presumptive detention of families


Michael knows that Washington is broken — that’s why he’s taking on Washington dysfunction and partisan obstruction and continues working to make Congress more functional — and to do that, he believes we need to get big money out of politics.


Michael supports:


  • Overturning the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision, because a few billionaires shouldn’t be able to buy our elections

  • Constitutional amendments to restore voters’ ability to place commonsense limits on campaign spending

  • Stopping automatic pay raises for Members of Congress

  • Permanently banning Members of Congress from ever becoming lobbyists


Colorado is home to over 400,000 veterans and Michael believes our nation should honor its commitment and provide our veterans with access to the care they’ve earned by serving our country.


Michael supports:


  • Allowing veterans who live more than 40 miles from a clinic to receive their care at non-VA medical clinics

  • Consolidating confusing and overlapping community programs for veterans and active duty service members




Strengthening our economy and supporting efforts to create more good-paying Colorado jobs are at the center of Michael’s work every day.


Michael supports:


  • Growing the economy

  • Fostering innovation and creating more opportunities for Coloradans

  • Tax credits for wind and solar energy production

  • Cutting taxes for small businesses

  • The CROWDFUND Act, a law that enables entrepreneurs, start-ups, and companies to raise equity financing online through fundraising campaigns

Anchor 1
Anchor 2

Michael is working to make sure that more Coloradans have access to affordable health care that works for their families.


Michael supports:


  • Bipartisan measures that expands access to quality, affordable health care in rural areas by helping make Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements more equitable.

  • The expansion of research and intervention to help reduce infant deaths and disabilities related to preterm birth.

  • Improving the Affordable Care Act by working to further reduce out of pocket costs for patients.

Anchor 3
Anchor 4
Anchor 5
Anchor 6

Bennet for Colorado

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(720) 216-5206
PO Box 3078, Denver, CO. 80201

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